

Inasmuch Foundation administers an open request cycle each spring and fall for all focus areas: Community & Civic Engagement, Education, Human Services, and Journalism. The Foundation’s summer cycle is invitation only. Review the website for funding priorities and geographic restrictions (please note the journalism geographic restrictions differ from the other focus areas). Organizations will be limited to a single grant request and a single sponsorship request in a 12-month period. 

Requests must be initiated through an online Grant Request System. To be considered, a request must be submitted by 5pm CST February 15th or August 15th. Should the 15th fall on a weekend or national holiday, the request will be due the following business day. Funding decisions are made and communicated in May and November of each year.

Increased Focus

The Foundation is committed to continuously refining its funding priorities. Please review the chart below to learn more about the prioritized funding categories for 2025. More detailed information is available in the Focus Areas section.

PRIORITIZE: Inasmuch Foundation is interested in expanding partnerships and is actively seeking grantees in these areas of interest.

COLLABORATE: Inasmuch Foundation continues to support and invest in trusted partners in these areas of interest. Organizations without a previous relationship with the Foundation are welcome to apply but should note that funding is limited.



Prioritize Collaborate
Education Reform & Policy (E) Arts & Humanities (C)
Homeless Prevention (HS) Civic Engagement (C)
Behavioral Health (HS) Early Childhood Education (E)
Oklahoma Journalism (J) Investigative Journalism (J)
Workforce Development (E) Pre-K - 12 Education (E)
  Women & Family (HS)

General Operating Support Grants

  • To increase transparency and consistency for the Foundation’s General Operating Support grants, organizations will be able to apply for one of two levels:
    • $50,000
    • $100,000
  • The level of General Operating funding granted will be based on several factors:
    • Alignment with the Foundation’s funding priorities
    • Organization size, scope, and financial stability
    • Inasmuch Foundation Board and Staff discretion
  • Organizations should not apply for more than 10% of the annual operating budget.
    • Only organizations with an annual operating budget greater than $1,000,000 will be eligible to receive $100,000 in General Operating Support.
    • Investigative Journalism organizations should apply for $50,000.
  • Inasmuch Foundation will fund General Operating up to five consecutive years.
    • Grant decisions are still made on an annual basis, and organizations are not guaranteed five consecutive years of funding.
    • If funded for five years, all organizations are required to take at least a one-year funding hiatus.

One-time Funding Grants

  • Organizations applying for a specific project that will be transformational to the organization should apply for a One-time Funding Grant.
  • There are no standardized amounts for One-time Funding Grant requests.
  • Organizations interested in applying for one of these grants are encouraged to speak with a Program Officer about the specifics of the request.

Capital Campaign Grants

PLEASE NOTE: Inasmuch Foundation will not contribute to any capital campaigns during calendar year 2025.

  • The Foundation will review a capital campaign request once 50-75% of the total campaign goal has been raised.
  • Organizations interested in applying for one of these grants are encouraged to speak with a Program Officer about the specifics of the request.


  • ALL sponsorship requests MUST be submitted via the online grants portal.
    • Sponsorship information received through any other means (traditional mail, email, etc.) will be discarded.
  • Requests should be submitted a minimum of three months in advance of the event.
  • Once the request is submitted, it typically takes two to four weeks for the review process to be completed.
  • Please note:
    • Sponsorship requests and grant requests must be submitted via separate applications through the online grants portal.
    • Organizations are eligible to submit one sponsorship request per year.
    • The Foundation has a limited sponsorship budget and is thus unable to fund all sponsorship requests.

important dates

Spring Cycle
Fall Cycle
Grant Requests Due
February 15
August 15
Organizations notified if their grant request is funded